
Hai domande o commenti? Ci piacerebbe sentire la tua opinione! Il nostro team è pronto ad aiutarti con qualsiasi domanda o informazione di cui potresti aver bisogno. Di seguito sono riportati diversi modi per contattarci.


Lichtenberglaan 1090
3800 Sint-Truiden

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Prenota un incontro individuale con Jan

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    Domande frequenti

    Yes, you can.

    AiroCollect is compatible with any drone capable of taking images, including the GPS position of the drone. If your drone is an RTK-GPS drone, AiroCollect will automatically detect and adjust its coordinate system accordingly.

    If you are in possession of a DJI MINI-1, MINI-2 (not SE) or MINI-3 drone, you can download the free AiroCollect Android (iOS, not permitted by DJI) app from our technical specifications page to enable your drone to scan a terrain automatically.

    Your licence is valid during your subscription period. If you pay annually, it’s valid for 1 year. If you pay monthly, it’s valid for 1 month.

    The Small licence is intended for occasional use. For those projects that are difficult to quantify, where taking all the measurements can take up a significant amount of time. The Small licence offers a clear time and cost saving.

    The Medium licence allows for the standard use of drone measurement at the start of a project, offering both increased speed of measurement and the use of AiroCollect as a data store and project management asset.

    The Unlimited licence allows for scanning projects at the start, during and end of a project, as well as during the quotation, follow-up and invoicing phases.

    There is no difference in functionality, only in usage frequency.

    Think about all the processes where the application can help you:

    • Making quotations
    • Work preparation
    • CAD Design
    • Invoicing

    Based on this, you can calculate how many scans you make each year or month. Choose your plan based on this.

     Yes, drones have become very easy to use. We recommend the DJI MINI-4 PRO, with some extra batteries and a hard case.

    After purchase, we have made movies that will guide you through unpacking your drone, starting to fly, and uploading the images.

    We recommend the DJI MINI-4 PRO. This drone weighs up to 250g and is the easiest and most free to use.

    You may need additional approvals to fly near airports.

    Always consider privacy too. You need the owner’s permission to fly in their area.

    For more details, follow your local government’s rules.

    Click the “enterprise” button and fill in the form to ask your question.

    Upgrades and downgrades are simple:

    • The latest licence you buy is your active licence.
    • If you still have scans available, they remain available.
    • You can cancel a monthly licence any month.
    • You can cancel an annual licence annually.
    • You can cancel any licence during the trial period.

    You have the option of purchasing the same licence or a new one, or alternatively, you can choose to do nothing and wait for your renewal.

    They are transferred to your next period, as long as you have an active subscription.

    To perform unlimited scans with more than 2 drones, you can just buy multiple unlimited licenses. For example, if you buy 2 licenses, you can scan with 4 drones.

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    Grazie per aver avviato una prova!

    I nostri server sono entrati in azione per creare un ambiente appositamente per te.

    Vai alla tua casella di posta e apri la nostra email con l’utente dell’app e il tuo login.

    Se non hai ricevuto l’e-mail, lascia un messaggio a: Se hai bisogno di ulteriore assistenza contattaci.

    Il nostro obiettivo ora è farti sentire i benefici il più rapidamente possibile!

    a) Nella tua applicazione è presente un set di dati demo.
    b) Visita la guida dell’applicazione per ricevere assistenza.


    Per andare direttamente alla pagina di accesso, premi il pulsante qui sopra!


    Si prega di compilare le informazioni con * di seguito.
    Riceverai un’e-mail con accesso immediato alla prova.
    Se disponi di un drone, carica le immagini del tuo progetto.

    Numero medio di progetti mensili ?


    Si prega di compilare le informazioni con * di seguito
    Ti contatteremo il prima possibile

    Tetto dimostrativo e solare

    Riceverai e-mail e accesso immediato a un periodo di prova.
    Se hai un drone, provalo sui tuoi progetti.


    Si prega di compilare le informazioni con * di seguito
    Premi il video dimostrativo per avere accesso diretto

    Numero medio di progetti mensili ?