Terms and conditions

Our Terms and Conditions

1. Information

Our website address is: https://airocollect.com.

The company can be reached as follows:
* Email contact@airobot.eu
* Address: Lichtenberglaan 1090, 3800 Sint-Truiden
* VAT number: BE0603.992.571
* Account number: BE73 0019 2371 0060

2. Application

These general terms and conditions apply to all services provided by Airobot NV to its customers. The contractual relationship exists between the customer and Airobot NV, even if the customer only has contact with one or more particular persons employed by Airobot NV.
In case of conflict, these general terms and conditions prevail over conflicting general terms and conditions of the customer, unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing by one of Airobot’s directors. Moreover, this agreement does not result in the application of the customer’s general terms and conditions, but only the clause or clauses that have been waived.

3. Services

3.1. Airobot’s services may include counseling, mediation assistance, negotiation assistance, litigation assistance, expert examination assistance in the form of access to a cloud-based software application. Customer acknowledges clearly understanding the exact purpose of Airobot’s services at the start of this agreement. This agreement and thus the object of services can always be modified by mutual agreement.

3.3. The commitment of Airobot NV and its appointees is always an obligation of effort.

3.4. For the airocollect.com product, it is important that each customer’s scans can be processed in a timely manner. To ensure a fair distribution of our system’s bandwidth, the system may temporarily reduce the priority of processing scans during very heavy usage. Specifically, the scans are not processed immediately, but rather, for example, at night or at less busy times. Intensive use means more than 25 scans per license per month with one or more drones. If this number is exceeded, the system will notify you as an intensive user until the next end of the month.

4. Limitation of liability

In no event, unless required by applicable law or agreed in writing, shall any copyright holder or other party modifying and/or transferring the Program as permitted above be liable to you for damages, including general, special incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the Program (including but not limited to loss of data or data becoming inaccurate or losses suffered by you or third parties or failure of the Program to work with other programs), even if such holder or other party has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

5. End of contract

The Customer has the right to terminate this agreement without owing any compensation to Airobot NV. Airobot NV will not draw up a final invoice nor reimburse the Customer, taking into account his services and costs up to the time of termination.

6. Payment Terms

  • The Lawyer’s invoices are payable at Hasselt and within eight (8) calendar days of receipt, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
  • Interest of 0.50% per month will be due for each late payment, with each month started being charged as a full month, as well as liquidated damages in the amount of 10% of the invoice amount, with a minimum of fifty (50) euros.
  • Any dispute of the billed services and/or invoice must be made in writing by registered mail within ten (10) calendar days of the invoice date.
  • In the event of a dispute, efforts will first be made to reach an amicable solution, if necessary under the supervision of a licensed mediator. If no amicable settlement can be reached, only Belgian law shall apply and this dispute shall be submitted to the competent court of Airobot’s place of business.

7. Professional liability

  • The professional liability of Airobot NV is limited to the amount covered by professional liability insurance (currently: EU 1,500,000.00 EURO; beyond EU 1,000,000.00 EURO).
  • This insurance was purchased from MS AMLIN.
  • The customer accepts that this insurance of Airobot NV is sufficient and accepts that the compensation for the damage he suffers as a result of a professional error of Airobot NV is limited to the amount to which the liability insurance gives claim in the case in question.
  • Airobot NV indemnifies itself from any liability beyond the circumstances of the aforementioned insurance policy.

8. Professional secrecy and confidentiality

Airobot NV represents and acknowledges that in the course of its services, it has
is bound by a professional secrecy and deontological duty of discretion and
confidentiality. All letters, opinions, litigation documents, etc. provided by the Customer to the program broccol.io are under the express reservation that Airobot NV respects their confidentiality.

9. Intellectual property

Airobot NV’s services and what results from them in terms of documents, texts, agreements, structures, plans, ideas, excels, spreadsheets, etc. are the exclusive intellectual property of Airobot NV. Even if the Customer and/or its organization or persons designated by it have contributed to its creation, it is expressly agreed that the Customer will not be able to assert any rights in the matter and, if applicable, irrevocably waives its claims, rights or demands in the matter. Thus, the Customer is not allowed to use the aforementioned documents, texts, agreements, structures, plans, ideas, excels, spreadsheets, etc. outside the framework of the Service or to communicate them to third parties, whether in modified form or not, to reproduce, use or modify them for the purpose of other matters or files in which Airobot NV is not involved.

10. Privacy Policy

  • The Customer acknowledges having taken note of Airobot NV’s privacy policy, and expressly agrees to the collection and processing of all useful information by Airobot NV, and this (at least) for the entire duration of the Service.
  • Thus, the Customer allows Airobot NV to store and process its personal data in a physical and digital file and this in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). The provision of personal data is done solely in the context of the proper performance of Airobot NV’s services.
  • The Customer’s personal data will not be used for commercial purposes. However, Airobot NV may store the Customer’s personal data in its database and use it to send messages to the Customer, including commercial messages as part of its service.
  • The Customer authorizes Airobot NV to publicize and commercially exploit a positive recommendation through the website or social media.
  • The customer can access, change or delete this information by sending a simple request to contact@airobot.eu with the subject line “GDPR – my data.”
  • Airobot NV is responsible for protecting your personal data.
  • Warning to the Customer: based on the use of digital communication and the use of various apps such as messenger, Facetime, whatsapp, We transfer, Zoom, video conferencing edm. among others. As part of the provision of services, both you and I or a person designated by me may use digital means of communication. Please note that the use of these means of communication cannot guarantee the same absolute confidentiality as a face-to-face consultation. If the Customer cannot agree to this, the Customer must explicitly request a personal consultation. If a digital meeting with recording of the conversation is chosen, the Client must give written consent to the Lawyer prior to the meeting. In any case, Airobot NV does not grant any permission to record or tape any professional conversation without its express, prior and written consent.
  • Unless otherwise agreed, the data collected in broccol.io will be destroyed one (1) year after termination of the Service. The Customer must retain all original records themselves or request their return in a timely manner prior to closing the file. This is the responsibility of the Customer.

11. Severability

If any clause of these terms and conditions is declared invalid, illegal or unenforceable by a court or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall in no way affect the validity, legality or enforceability of the remaining clauses. If necessary, the parties will negotiate in good faith to replace the invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision with a legally valid provision consistent with the parties’ intentions when signing this agreement.

12. Applicable law

  • Belgian law applies.
  • All disputes and questions concerning the interpretation of this agreement shall preferably be adjudicated by the competent court in the district of Airobot’s place of business, without prejudice to Airobot’s right to sue before the competent court in the customer’s jurisdiction.
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