
Produktų nerasta.
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Thank you for starting a trial !

Our servers spun into action to create an environment especially for you.

Go to you inbox and open the email from us with the app user and your login.

If you have not received an email please leave a message at: In need for further assistance contact us.

Our goal now is to get you feel the benefit as quickly as possible!

a) There is a demo dataset in your application.
b) Visit the in application help for assistance.


To go directly to the login page, press the button above!


Please fill in the information with * below.
You will get an e-mail with instant access to a trial.
In case you have a drone, upload your own project images.

Average number of projects monthly ?


Please fill in the information with * below
We will contact you as soon as possible

Demo Roof & Solar

You will get e-mails and instant access to a trial period.
In case you have a drone, test it on your own projects.


Please fill in the information with * below
Press demo video to have direct access

Average number of projects monthly ?